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Our Investment: $100.00
Payout Ratio: 1%
Last Payout: Jul 27th, 2022
Added: Jul 23rd, 2022
Monitored: 6 days
Lifetime: 6 days
Founded in 2022, our company operates in the jurisdiction of the United Kingdom and mediates in various markets, such as: construction, IT services market, medical field, shipping, and much more. We are a connecting link between a company or an individual who has a task and employees who are ready to fulfill this task. Thus, we save our customers time and get a percentage for the work done. Our analysts regularly study and analyze the markets in search of new directions and specialists Although we are a relatively young company, we are very ambitious and have already earned a reputation as a responsible partner who only provides the best specialists. In our future plans there is a large-scale expansion by entering the European and Asian markets, opening offices with the help of investment funds raised through online investment.
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