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Users Rating:
Added: Sep 10th, 2022
Monitored: 596 days
Lifetime: 596 days
Our company has more than 25 traffic arbitration specialists, from whom we have selected 2 teams, each of which has a Team Lead and 4 arbitration managers. The average profitability, taking into account unprofitable transactions, is 12% of the advertising turnover per day, and in some cases, the maximum profitability of transactions is 30% of the amount of purchased traffic and allows you to cover unprofitable days. Teams differ in the level of proficiency in the specialty, as well as the amounts that can be invested in their work. Both teams passed the test period without attracting private investment, using Arbigate's internal financing, the test period was 12 months. During this period, the company's analysts eliminated the most common mistakes, found many solutions to optimize advertising and ensured stable profitability of traffic arbitration.
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